
Dr bruce martin fungicide program for bermuda
Dr bruce martin fungicide program for bermuda

EVALUATION OF FUNGICIDES FOR SPRING DEAD SPOT CONTROL IN ULTRADWARF BERMUDAGRASS. Pythium blight on a bermudagrass green during cool, wet weather.

dr bruce martin fungicide program for bermuda

Untreated, Pythium turf diseases can kill large areas of turf within a matter of days.

  • Dr Bruce Martin Fungicide Program For Bermuda Triangleįungicide rotation program:diseases/Pythium_Root_Dysfunction.aspx.
  • I just need to know whether I should chop these areas down now when the heat/drought of Texas summer has just begun. I value all the opinions expressed on this forum, and I thank all for their suggestions/ideas. I do want to add that the dry brown areas have spread far to the right of the photo in a very linear fashion all the way to my back fence on the west side of the house, and based on my observations/experience, and my neighbors observations, no dogs have been using these areas to urinate. My question now is, as it has been recommended by one member to mow those areas down to let the sun get to it, is it wise to do that with the two hottest/driest months in TX upon us?

    dr bruce martin fungicide program for bermuda

    I did scalp it this spring, but it looked so bad when I did, I set the mower higher when the tops turned green because I didn't want to go back to brown again (dumb mistake). He also told me I had trained my Bermuda too high (2 3/8"), and gave me some advice on how to scalp it and maintain it at a lower height next spring. he allowed for the slight possibility of a fungus, so we sprayed for that today just to be sure.

    dr bruce martin fungicide program for bermuda

    He attributed it to the last two weeks of 104-107 degree temps, no rain, and my hand watering (no irrigation system yet). His "opinion" was that the brown areas were due to the grass drying out in those spots, and they when I water heavily it stopped further drying and the area turned "dormant." He inspected deep into the areas and tiny bits of new growth could be seen in many areas. He tested the soil for moisture and was good down to about 6", but we had some pretty good rain yesterday.

    Dr bruce martin fungicide program for bermuda